How can Ethnic Differences in Criminalisation be Explained? PART 1
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Snippet from Video:
- 91% of people in the UK are white
- 5% Asian
- 2% Afro- Caribbean
- 2% mixed and other
Of the 80,000 men in prison:
- 74% are white
- 15% Afro-Caribbean
- 7% Asian
- 3% mixed
- 1% Chinese.
Of the 7,000 women in prison:
- 70% are white
- 21% Afro-Caribbean
- 5% mixed
- 2% Asian
- 2% Chinese and other.
The situation in the USA is very similar – Black Americans make up 13% of the total population and 50% of the prison population. Watch the video to find how ethnic differences in crime can be explained.
This A-Level Sociology Video explores concepts such as Deviancy Amplification, ethnicity, Labelling theory, marginalisation, relative deprivation, and Social Control.