What is Giddens Structuration Theory? Sociology Video

Published on 21st April 2023 by

What is Giddens Structuration Theory?

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Anthony Giddens reconcile agency vs. structure. In his theory of structuration, Giddens argues that sociologists should not see individual agency and larger social structures as opposed to one another. Instead, we should understand them as two sides of the same coin.

Social action depends on the agency of individuals, but social action is also enabled and constrained by the rules and resources that make such action possible and understandable to others.

This A-Level sociology video explores Giddens’ theory of structuration and deals with concepts and sociologists such as deterministic, voluntaristic, duality of structure, agency v structure, Archer (1995), and Craib. If you are interested in finding out more about social action theories check out our other videos, see below:


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