Category: Crime and Deviance

masculinity and crime

Simon Willow’s Study on Masculinity and Crime, and Entrepreneurial Concerns in Sunderland

Simon Willow’s Study on Masculinity and Crime, and Entrepreneurial Concerns in Sunderland In 1989, British sociologist Simon Willow conducted a study on the nature of masculinity and crime, and entrepreneurial concerns in the city of Sunderland. Using covert participant observation over a period of 18 months, Willow documented the daily lives of young men living […]

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gender crime

Gender Differences in Crime – Chivalry Thesis

The Chivalry Thesis: Examining Gender Differences in Crime In 1950, sociologist Edmund Pollak coined the concept of the chivalry thesis —state that as most criminal justice agents like magistrates and judges and police officers are mainly men, they are also socialised to act in a chivalrous way towards women. While there is some evidence to support this thesis, […]

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Exploring the Concept of Toxic Masculinity: A-Level Sociology Explanations

Exploring the Concept of Toxic Masculinity The term ‘toxic masculinity‘ was first coined by sociologist Shepard Bliss in the late 1980s. It has since become a widely accepted concept, used to describe masculine behavior that is deemed harmful to society or individuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore what toxic masculinity is and why it […]

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Theory of Moral Panic and Deviance Amplification with Stanford Cohen

​Exploring the Theory of Moral Panic and Deviance Amplification with Stanford Cohen In 1972, Stanford Cohen introduced the concept of the Theory of Moral Panic and deviance amplification in his book Folk Devils and Moral Panics. This theory argues that a certain group or type of behavior can receive disproportionate media attention, leading to widespread condemnation […]

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